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FERPA and Student Rights

Rights of Students

Annually, Immaculata大学通知学生1974年的家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA), 哪些规定赋予学生有关其教育记录的某些权利. They are:

  • 有权在学校收到访问请求之日起45天内检查和审查学生的教育记录.
  • Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. 大学官员将安排访问,并通知学生可以检查记录的时间和地点. 如果提交请求的大学官员没有保存这些记录, 该官员应告知该学生应向其提出请求的正确官员.
  • 有权要求修改学生认为不准确或具有误导性的教育记录. Students should write the University official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. 如果学校决定不按学生的要求修改记录, the University will notify the student of the decision, 该地区的副校长将告知学生有权就修改请求举行听证会. 有关听证会程序的其他信息将在通知学生有权参加听证会时提供给学生.
  • 有权同意披露包含在学生的教育记录中的个人身份信息, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. Exceptions include disclosure to personnel within the institution who are acting in the student’s educational interest; to officials of other institutions in which the student seeks to enroll; to federal agencies; to persons or organizations providing the student with financial aid; to organizations conducting studies for educational agencies or institutions developing, validating, or administering tests, student aid programs or educational improvement programs; to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function; to persons in compliance with a judicial order; to disciplinary records pertaining to alcohol and drugs, sexual assault or physical harm; and to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons.
  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. 因涉嫌Immaculata大学未能遵守FERPA的要求而受到教育部的指控. 管理FERPA的办公室的名称和地址是:家庭政策合规办公室,美国.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-4605.

Directory Information

Immaculata大学将以下类别的学生信息指定为公共信息, or directory information. Such information may be disclosed by the institution for any purpose, at its discretion: Currently, 根据1974年的《下载赌钱app手机版》,入学学生可以拒绝披露任何类别的信息. 为了不披露,必须在注册主任办公室收到书面通知. 要求保留目录信息的表格可在注册办公室和本网站获得.

  • Category I Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, photograph, date and place of birth, dates of attendance, full- or part-time enrollment status, class
  • Category II Previous institution(s) attended, major field of study, awards, honors, expected graduation date, degree(s) conferred (including dates)
  • Category III Participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members

伊玛库拉塔大学认为,如果任何学生没有明确要求保留目录信息的类别,则表示个人同意披露. Immaculata students may be assured that even with their permission, directory information is disclosed only on rare occasions. 伊玛库拉塔大学的政策只允许在有严重原因的情况下向非机构人员披露这些信息,并由负责相关学生记录的人员自行决定.

Statement of FERPA Practice

经修订的1974年《下载赌钱app手机版》(FERPA)是一部联邦法律,旨在保护学生的隐私并限制对学生教育记录的访问. 这意味着学校通常必须向家长和其他认为他们与学生的关系使他们有权获得这些信息的人隐瞒这些信息, 有时甚至在学生希望信息被公开的情况下. As a result, parents, guardians, 或者配偶经常会问为什么他们不能了解学生的成绩, financial obligations, or standing with the University. Education records generally covered by federal privacy laws include grades, housing information, medical treatment (including hospitalization), enrollment and attendance information, financial status, results of disciplinary proceedings, etc.

If a student has not given permission to release information to someone, 根据FERPA的规定,大学通常不能发布信息. 如果有证据证明学生在文件所涵盖的时期内是根据《下载赌钱app手机版》(Internal Revenue Service Code)规定的受抚养人,学校就可以发布信息. However, tax returns on file with the University cover the preceding year; often the proof is out of date and may no longer be applicable.

学生允许Immaculata大学通过提交FERPA协议表格向第三方发布有关其教育记录的信息.  学生必须确定他们希望获得有关学生记录的访问/信息的每个人. 为了识别人,学生必须通过MyIU登录到SSIU并填写FERPA协议. When it is submitted, 大学将能够披露信息并回应指定个人的询问.  The consent will remain valid until students leave the University; however, they may revise the consent information at any time.

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